In Venue Manager, you can view bookings for a specific product for a set period of time, such as an entire week or fortnight, all in one document
From Venue Manager, go to Bookings and click All Bookings.
On the Bookings page you can filter by:
- Booking name or #
- Selecting the date - a specific date or range
- The booking status - fully paid vs cancelled vs pending vs partially paid vs complimentary
- Product(s) - select all that apply
- Booking manager
From there, click 'Apply' to see bookings that match selected filters. Once you have the bookings you want, go to the top right-hand corner of the screen, click on the more button and select 'Export bookings and Forms (.csv)'
The pop up modal 'Export booking data' pop up modal appears. This step is optional and you can choose any booking data fields that you want to export, for example, booking name and session time. Also make sure you select any form that you have asked guests to complete during the checkout process.
Then that's it! Click the Export button and a CSV file is downloaded to your computer and it contains all the party bookings in the one single view. You can open this document in Excel