This is a list of the most frequently asked ROLLER API questions we receive. To learn more, visit our API documentation here:
What is an API?
API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is method for software applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message or check the weather on your phone, you're using an API.
ROLLER has two distinct API's for different purposes:
The ROLLER RESTful API, is designed for real-time interactions and with it you can:
- Find product information and availability
- Create and manage bookings in ROLLER
- Facilitate your own external online checkout
Data API
The ROLLER Data API is designed for external data warehouses that:
- Extract a copy of ROLLER data to store in an external database on hourly or daily basis
- Interface the data to business intelligence or analytics tool
Where is the API documented?
Full documentation is available at
This documentation includes guides, best practices, use cases and technical specifications.
How can I access the API?
If you are an existing ROLLER customer without an API Add On license, contact ROLLER Support to gain access. If you are not currently a ROLLER customer, find out more and get in touch here:
How can I test the API?
Testing the Data API will not affect any live data as this is only receiving rather than adding or editing. Therefore you can test on production data.
To test the RESTful API you can use ROLLER's Playground environment as API keys work across both live and playground environments.
What is the time zone of API data?
Data timestamps are provided in UTC, not your or the venue's local time.
However, if your request is for a specific date, the API will return data for that date based on venue's local time. Therefore, the records returned in the response may include timestamps which include the previous day or the next day based on UTC.
You will need to convert these timestamps to the venue local timezone.
What does the ROLLER API cost?
Cost to access the ROLLER is based on the volume of usage per month and a mandatory one-off onboarding package.
Mandatory API Onboarding Package
The package includes an initial 2-hour Zoom call (which can be split into 2x 1-hour sessions) as well as ongoing direct email support from a ROLLER technical expert.
On the Zoom call, we will first discuss the use cases that you are trying to develop with the API and assess the feasibility, then we can walk through the best way to achieve those use cases in line with our API documentation. The call/s will be recorded and provided to your team for further reference.
The cost for the API onboarding packages is 800 USD
Ongoing API Costs
Ongoing costs based on API calls:
- Up to 5K calls 35 USD Monthly
- Up to 25K calls 70 USD Monthly
- Up to 100K calls 110 USD Monthly
How do I get API support?
You may contact the API support team via our standard support channels if you have pre-purchased an API onboarding package. For more information about our API onboarding packages, please contact our support team.
Phone support is not available for API queries.