- I want to add a primary contact in my venue. How do I do this?
- How do I change the billing contact or technical contact?
- How do I change the account owner in my venue?
Venue contacts are staff in your ROLLER account that perform specific roles in your business and you want them to receive important notifications.
You can select one or multiple staff members to be account, primary, billing or technical contacts. You will only be able to add a staff member as a venue contact if they have an active staff member account in ROLLER.
To change the account owner, contact the support team. This requires a support team member to action the request.
To change or add a primary contact, billing contact or technical contact, follow the steps below:
- From Venue Manager, go to Settings > Account > Venue settings.
- Select Unlock to make changes.
- Scroll to Contact information.
- For Primary, Billing and Technical contacts, update your contact from the dropdown list.