The "Companies" feature is a guest relationship management tool that enables venues to manage bookings associated with companies such as business or school groups. This includes:
- Creating company profiles including company details such as legal business numbers
- Adding/creating company bookings to the one profile
- Allocating multiple email contacts to the company
- Assigning one primary contact
- Assigning one billing contact
Find companies in Venue Manager
From Venue Manager, go to Guests > Companies.
From the Companies page, search by Name and Email or select from the list of companies with the following columns of information (these are customizable in Column Settings):
- Image
- Company name
- Company code
- Contact number
- Total spend
Select the options menu (3 dots) for a company to View or Delete Company.
Create a company
From Venue Manager, go to Companies and select Create Company.
Fill out the following details. Anything with an asterisk (*) is mandatory:
- Upload image (optional): Once uploaded, you can drag crop marks to crop as desired and select Save to set the image
- Primary Contact details:
First name*
Last name*
Mobile - Company details:
Tax identification number
Contact number*
Postal code
Select Save.
Manage companies
From the companies page you can:
- Edit the company record (select Save to make changes live)
- View the activity stream, a record any actions made
- View bookings and contacts attached to the company
- Add contact or new booking
Add contact
Under one company, you can have multiple contacts.
Select Add Contact in the top right of the page. A pop-up modal will appear prompting to add Email, Phone number and the guest name (First and last name). If the record already exists as a guest, you can select it from the dropdown and it'll prefill with the stored details
Select the more button to either:
- View the contact
- Set as Primary
- Set as Billing
- Remove
Please note that there can only be one primary and one billing contact, they can be the same contact or two separate contacts. Whilst a contact has either status, it cannot be removed
New booking
From the company, select New booking and it'll create a new booking prefilled with the company and primary contact's details. Follow the steps from this article to finalise the booking
Delete company
If you select Delete company, a popup modal will appear asking for confirmation. Select Delete Company to proceed. This action is not reversible.