You can easily manage the abilling contacts from Venue Manager to make sure invoices are sent to the right person within your organization.
To update your venue's billing contact/s:
- In Venue Manager navigate to Settings > Account > Venue Settings
- Select unlock to make changes and under Contact information use the drop-down option to select relevant roles for your staff members.
- You can add multiple billing contacts by clicking on the Add Contact button.
- Please note that only the account owners and billing contacts will receive billing-related notifications.
- You will only be able to add a staff member as a billing contact if they have an active staff member account in ROLLER.
- To change the account owner, you'll need to contact the support team.
- Click Save
We recommend that you monitor and update these roles periodically, but particularly when there are staff changes. This ensures invoices and relevant billing notifications regarding outstanding invoices and payment failures are received by the right person within your organization.
This is especially important in the event that access to your platform is suspended due to non-payment as the billing contact and the account owner will immediately be able to log in to the platform and pay for outstanding invoices to restore access.
Read more about how non-payment can result in your account being suspended.