This report allows you to monitor how effective your discount strategies are. It gives you detailed information about the usage of discount codes, including the top 25 codes. This helps you understand which promotions are generating sales and how guests are responding to different discount offers.
Questions answered
- Which discount codes are most frequently used for booking items?
- What is the total discounted amount associated with each of these top codes?
- How do different discount codes compare in terms of usage and financial impact?
- What trends in discount code effectiveness can be observed over the last 30 days?
Actionable insights
- Determine which discount codes are driving the most sales.
- Assess the popularity and effectiveness of various promotions.
- Make data-driven decisions to adjust or introduce new discount codes.
Access the report
- From Venue Manager, go to Analytics > Reports.
- Search for and select Discount code usage.
Interpret the visualization
- The pie chart visually represents the proportion of items discounted by each code, making it easy to identify which codes are most popular among guests, over the last 30 days (default timeframe).
- The chart and table give a clear overview of how each discount code affects the number of items sold, the amount of discount applied, and money made (funds received) for the discounted items.
Use the filters
Adjust the filters to return results for specific times, discount amounts and discount codes.
- Select Filters at the top left of the report page to reveal the filters.
- Review and understand the default filters currently applied.
- Modify the filters using drop-down menus, calendars and entry fields.
- Remove filter values by selecting the X to the right of a selected item.
- Select Run to update the report with the new filters.
Filter | Options |
Record Date | The default setting is for the past 30 days. Use the drop-down menus to analyze the usage of discount codes for a different time period or specific dates. |
Discount amount |
Discount code |
What does this report reveal about discount codes?
It highlights the most popular and financially impactful discount codes used in booking transactions, offering insights into guest preferences and the effectiveness of discounts.
How can this report guide promotional strategies?
By identifying which discount codes perform best, you can target future promotions to replicate successful discounts and phase out less effective ones.
Is it possible to track the performance of a specific discount code over time?
Yes, by adjusting the date range and focusing on specific discount codes, you can analyze their performance trends over different periods.
Can this report help in budgeting for future discounts?
Absolutely. Understanding the financial impact of current discounts helps in forecasting the cost of future promotions and setting appropriate discount budgets.