Both recurring payment memberships and fixed-price memberships can be canceled from Venue Manager.
This guide shows you how to schedule recurring membership cancelations and cancel fixed-price memberships from Venue Manager.
Recurring memberships
- By default, when you cancel a guest's recurring payment membership product, it's canceled at the end of the current billing period. However, you also have the option to cancel it at the end of a future billing period.
- While waiting for cancelation to take place at the end of the specified billing period, the recurring payment membership status shows Pending cancelation. The guest can still use their membership up until the date it's terminated (at the end of the billing period).
- While waiting for the cancelation to take place, if a guest changes their mind and wants to keep their recurring payment membership, you can reactivate it for them.
- Once cancelation takes place, all recurring payments and membership benefits stop and the membership status changes to Terminated. If a guest wants to reactivate their recurring payment membership after it has been terminated, you can reactivate it for them.
Fixed-cost memberships
When you cancel a guest's fixed-price membership, the cancelation comes into effect immediately. Fixed-price memberships can't be reactivated. The guest will have to make a new purchase.
Schedule cancelation of recurring payment memberships
To schedule the cancelation of a recurring payment membership, follow the steps below.
- From Venue Manager, find and open the booking for the recurring payment membership.
- Select the Items tab.
- Select the options menu (3 dots) next to the recurring payment membership you want to cancel.
- Select Cancel membership and a new pop-up will open.
- If there are multiple memberships in the booking, select the membership(s) you want to cancel, then select Next.
- By default, recurring payment membership cancelation occurs at the end of the current billing period. To cancel the membership at the end of a future billing period:
- Untick the checkbox End of current billing period.
- Select the date drop-down to choose from the list of available cancelation dates.
- [Required] Add Notes to explain the reason for the cancelation.
- When complete, select Cancel membership.
When you cancel a recurring payment membership, its status changes to Pending cancelation until the cancelation takes effect on the date you've selected. Once the cancelation goes through, all future payments and membership benefits stop, and the membership status changes to Terminated.
For example, a monthly recurring membership product was purchased on March 1st.
- On June 21st, the membership is scheduled to be cancelled on August 1st. Its status shows Pending cancelation.
- On July 1st, the membership payment will be automatically made, and member benefits will continue as per usual.
- On August 1st, membership payments and benefits will be stopped. Its status shows Terminated.
Cancel fixed-price memberships
- From Venue Manager, find and open the booking with the fixed-price membership.
- Select the Items tab.
- Select the options menu (3 dots) next to the membership item.
- Select Cancel membership.
- If there are multiple membership products in the booking, select the membership(s) you want to cancel, then select Next.
- [Required] Add Notes to describe the reason for the cancelation.
- Select Cancel membership.
Reactivate recurring payment memberships
You can reactivate recurring payment memberships in three different ways from Venue Manager. To learn more, read the guide Reactivate recurring payment memberships in Venue Manager.