This article will provide tips on how to set up your network to improve the reliability of POS and card terminal performance.
- Use a segmented network with a dedicated POS network. Do not setup your POS devices and card terminals on a shared public WiFi network.
- Use a DHCP server to define unique static IP addresses for your printers & card terminals.
- If you use intrusion detection (IDS) and prevention systems (IPS), ensure they are using up to date firmware and signatures.
- Connect your cash registers and terminals to an uninterrupted power supply (UPS).
- Consider having a cellular backup connection:
- Have an automatic cellular failover on your main router;
- Have a back-up 4G/3G router; and/or
- Have card terminals that have a built-in cellular connection, such as P400m.
- If using ROLLER Payments card terminals ensure you're implementing card terminal network configuration recommendations.
- Make sure to engage an IT professional if you need help setting up your network. Each venue's network setup will be unique, a professional can help ensure the best results for your venue.